报告题目:Nanocellulose: sustainable isolation, 3D construction, and advanced applications
报告人:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 姜锋博士
报告人简介:姜锋博士,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学木材科学系助理教授,加拿大可持续功能性生物质材料研究主席。2021年美国化学年会纤维素与可再生材料分会KINGFA青年学者奖获得者。目前主要从事生物质材料高值化转化,研究方向涉及纳米纤维素的分离与改性、超分子自组装、气凝胶、水凝胶、增材制造、传感器、水处理、热调控管理,以及电子器件制备。迄今发表论文70余篇,总引用超过5300余次,论文发表在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano等期刊。
Nanocellulose is a naturally derived one-dimensional nanomaterial with various unique properties. In this presentation, I will discuss some recent research progress in my lab, focusing on these three perspectives. I). How to isolate high lignin-content nanocellulose using recyclable and green solvent? II).How to design hierarchical structure using 3D printing and ice templating strategies? III) The advanced application of nanocellulose materials as thermal insulating/managing materials and sensors.